Can I still use a laser cutting machine to process the rusty iron plate?

Optical fiber laser cutting machines are skilled at cutting metal, and are widely used. What precautions should be taken when cutting rusty metal plates? Below, Redsail Laser will provide you with an answer.

1. Cutting rusty plates can reduce processing efficiency, worsen cutting quality, and increase the product scrap rate. Therefore, during metal processing, try to minimize the use of rusty plates, or treat and reuse rusty plates.

Can I still use a laser cutting machine to process the rusty iron plate? What should I pay attention to?

2. During the cutting process, especially during hole drilling and cutting, the plate may burst, which may cause pollution to the protective lens. Therefore, it is necessary to first treat the rusty plate. Of course, the impact of plates below 5MM is not significant, mainly for rusty thick plates. Compared to qualified plates, the cutting quality of rusty plates still has an impact.

Can I still use a laser cutting machine to process the rusty iron plate? What should I pay attention to?

3. The overall uniform cutting effect is better than that of uneven rusted plates. The overall uniform rusted plates absorb laser light relatively evenly, enabling good cutting. However, uneven and rusty plates do not achieve good cutting results. It is recommended to treat the surface evenly before cutting.