Protection and maintenance of laser cutting machine

1. Difference between preventive protection and predictive protection of laser cutting machine

(1) Preventive protection

Preventive protection is a planned protection activity to avoid possible failure of equipment, so as to maintain the normal ability of equipment.

(2) Predictive protection

Predictive protection refers to the protection activities carried out by predicting the possible equipment failure mode through the data obtained from process supervision and equipment supervision.

2. Preventive protection of laser cutting machine equipment

The main contents of equipment protection and maintenance are: cleaning, checking, smoothing, fastening, adjustment, anti-corrosion and tidiness.

The maintenance of equipment can be divided into three levels according to its workload and difficulty: daily maintenance (routine maintenance), primary maintenance and secondary maintenance. The first maintenance and the second maintenance belong to regular maintenance (note: in some books, daily maintenance is called the first level maintenance, and so on, the second maintenance and the third maintenance).

For preventive maintenance, a maintenance plan shall be prepared. The maintenance plan is divided into annual maintenance plan, monthly maintenance plan, and weekly maintenance plan when necessary.

Because the items and contents of preventive maintenance are fixed, the maintenance program can not list the maintenance items and contents.

Daily maintenance

Daily maintenance shall be carried out by the operator every day. The content of daily maintenance is mostly surface maintenance.

Daily maintenance generally includes the following contents:

1) View, including pre shift, on shift and off duty views, such as the following: ① Check whether the belt is loose; ② Check whether the brake switch is normal; ③ Check whether the protective equipment is complete; ④ Check the parts, mechanisms and parts that are easy to cause and cause problems.

2) Tighten. For example, check the loose screws and tighten them.

3) Smooth. Add smooth oil according to the rules.

4) Clean. Clean and wipe the equipment.

5) Others. For example, the pneumatic equipment shall be drained regularly every day and deflated when off duty.

In order to do a good job in daily protection and maintenance of equipment, it is necessary to prepare daily protection and maintenance procedures for equipment.