The Best Laser Engraver for Under $1,000: A Breakdown

Laser engravers are a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of applications, from etching designs onto jewelry to engraving custom designs onto wood or acrylic. If you’re in the market for a laser engraver but don’t want to break the bank, fear not! There are plenty of options available for under $1,000 that still deliver quality results. In this article, we’ll break down some of the best laser engravers in this price range to help you find the perfect one for your needs.

Glowforge Basic

One of the most popular laser engravers in the under $1,000 price range is the Glowforge Basic. This machine is easy to set up and use, making it a great option for beginners. It has a 3D engraving feature, which allows for more intricate designs, and comes with a user-friendly software that allows for easy customization of designs. It also has a large cutting area, allowing for engraving on larger materials.

Orion Motor Tech 40W CO2 Laser Engraver Cutter

Another top contender in this price range is the Orion Motor Tech 40W CO2 Laser Engraver Cutter. This machine is known for its powerful 40W laser tube, which allows for fast and precise engraving. It also has a large engraving area and can work with a variety of materials, including wood, acrylic, and leather. It comes with easy-to-use software and a user-friendly control panel, making it a great option for both beginners and experienced users.

NEJE Master 2

The NEJE Master 2 is a compact and portable laser engraver that offers high precision and fast engraving speeds. It has a built-in camera for positioning and real-time preview, which makes it easy to align designs and ensure accurate engraving. It also has a large engraving area and can work with a wide range of materials, including wood, paper, and plastic. The NEJE Master 2 comes with advanced software that allows for easy customization of designs and offers a great balance of affordability and performance.


What materials can I engrave with a laser engraver under $1,000?

Most laser engravers in this price range can work with a variety of materials, including wood, acrylic, leather, paper, and plastic. It’s important to check the specifications of a specific machine to ensure that it can engrave the materials you plan to use.

Is it easy to set up and use a laser engraver under $1,000?

Yes, many laser engravers in this price range are designed for easy setup and use. They often come with user-friendly software and control panels, making them great options for beginners.

What are some common uses for a laser engraver under $1,000?

Laser engravers in this price range are commonly used for engraving designs onto jewelry, woodwork, acrylic signs, and personalized gifts. They can also be used for cutting materials and creating intricate designs for various crafts and projects.