The reason why the circulating water of optical fiber laser cutting machine heats up too fast

As we all know, the fiber laser and laser cutting head of the fiber laser cutting machine must be maintained at an appropriate temperature to ensure the normal operation of the equipment, and the key point to ensure the temperature is the circulating water of the chiller, which needs attention from time to time. When operating the machine, the operation engineer found that the circulating water of the machine was rapidly warming up. At this time, special attention should be paid to check the causes and solve them. Then why does the circulating water of the optical fiber laser cutting machine rise rapidly? Now let’s look at the reasons.
1. When the optical fiber laser cutting machine works normally, the ambient temperature of the studio is too high, and no air conditioner is installed for cooling;
2. The cutting time of optical fiber laser cutting machine is too strong, and the temperature is too high;
3. The optical fiber laser cutting machine works for a long time and almost uninterruptedly, which leads to the temperature rise of circulating water. At this time, the machine needs to be shut down;
4. The water pipe of the chiller is blocked or the return flow is abnormal, which causes the water flow to be blocked and affects the temperature rise of the circulating water;
The above is the reason why the circulating water of the optical fiber laser cutting machine heats up too fast, which requires the operation engineer to pay more attention at ordinary times.