CO2 LASER RESURFACING UPDATE | Multiple Treatments For Acne Scars?

Hi everyone! This video details my CO2 laser update 1 year after my first treatment in January 2020. I struggled with acne scars for years before I finally decided to take action and transform my skin forever. I talk about my experience with Lumenis Ultrapulse CO2 laser resurfacing, why I chose this and opted for multiple treatments. If you have pigmented skin like I do, it’s harder to find solutions that don’t have side effects like hyperpigmentation so I hope my experience can provide you with suggestions that may work. I hope this video is helpful for you and if you are struggling with this right now, don’t give up! I totally feel your pain, but there is hope and a way to permanently get rid of your scars.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is purely based on my own experiences.

1st CO2 Laser Video:

#acnescars #acnescartreatment #laser #therishlife


co2 laser

#CO2 #LASER #RESURFACING #UPDATE #Multiple #Treatments #Acne #Scars