I'm Shocked By How Much Damage This Caused! – CO2 Laser Cutter Part 1,byte sized engineering

In this video I’m fulfilling a long time dream. I’m building a 100W CO2 laser cutter from scratch. I bought a laser tube, power supply, mirrors, mirror mounts, focusing lens, and laser head. I wire everything up and give it a test fire with surprising results!

New videos are uploaded as soon as I finish them!

Try Altium Designer for free:
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Rob and Further Fabrication –

Components to build your own laser cutter (affiliate links):
Laser Tube:
Power Supply:
Mirror Mounts:
Laser Head:
Focus Lens:
Safety Glasses:

If you’re like me you have creative ideas that are trapped inside your mind. Byte Sized Engineering videos will give you the knowledge, inspiration, and confidence to make your creative ideas a reality. You are more capable than you think, and I want to help you unleash your inner maker!

You shouldn’t need an engineering degree to make your ideas a reality. I suffered through years of engineering school so you don’t have to. I know how it feels to want to make something I’m excited and passionate about, but also feel overwhelmed by not knowing where to start. I’ve unlocked the secret to getting past this feeling of being stuck. In my videos I show you how to take complex problems and break them down into smaller, more manageable “byte sized” pieces.

If you want my recommendation on what you should watch, I put together this playlist for you.

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byte sized engineering

#I39m #Shocked #Damage #Caused #CO2 #Laser #Cutter #Part