Kerf-Canceling Mechanisms: Making Laser-Cut Mechanisms Operate across Different Laser Cutters

Kerf-Canceling Mechanisms: Making Laser-Cut Mechanisms Operate across Different Laser Cutters
Thijs Jan Roumen, Ingo Apel, Jotaro Shigeyama, Muhammad Abdullah, Patrick Baudisch

UIST’20: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
Session: 5A: Fabrication: Joints and Mechanisms / Functional Assembly

Getting laser-cut mechanisms, such as those in microscopes, robots, vehicles, etc., to work, requires all their components to be dimensioned precisely. This precision, however, tends to be lost when fabricating on a different laser cutter, as it is likely to remove more or less material (aka ‘kerf’). We address this with what we call kerf-canceling mechanisms. Kerf-canceling mechanisms replace laser-cut bearings, sliders, gear pairs, etc. Unlike their traditional counterparts, however, they keep working when manufactured on a different laser cutter and/or with different kerf. Kerf-canceling mechanisms achieve this by adding an additional wedge element per mechanism. We have created a software tool KerfCanceler that locates traditional mechanisms in cutting plans and replaces them with their kerf-canceling counterparts. We evaluated our tool by converting 17 models found online to kerf-invariant models; we evaluated kerf-canceling bearings by testing with kerf values ranging from 0mm and 0.5mm and find that they perform reliably independent of this kerf.


Long videos of the UIST 2020 Technical Paper Program


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#KerfCanceling #Mechanisms #Making #LaserCut #Mechanisms #Operate #Laser #Cutters