Laser Engraving Glass Curved Surface on Cone Shaped Shot Glass by TruCUT Desktop 600×400 80W Laser

Easy, accurate and magnificent engraving can be applied onto glass with a laser engraving machine. You can attain very appealing matte results, excellent contouring and finest details whether you are engraving a photo, text or logo without the glass splitting.

This procedure can be carried out easily with the use of a rotary engraving attachment. The rising need for rotary attachments has escalated in the past few years. Buyers are constantly on the look out for the latest custom-made engraved or engravable products. Making use of a rotary axis attachment will increase your ability to engrave circular products and a whole lot more. This will ensure that you have better advantage over your rivals.

It is imperative that small business owners or do-it-yourself enthusiasts that own and use laser engraving have to learn how to operate a rotary attachment when they engrave products that are circular, curvy and spherical.

This piece of equipment assists you to engrave round and curvy goods of different kinds of material. A rotary attachment consists of two ends responsible for holding the item that will be engraved in place at the same time constantly revolving throughout the engraving procedure. This piece of machine was specially built to clench and revolve the item being engraved 360-degrees round.

Drinking glasses that are laser engraved serve as a long-lasting type of advertising. They can be utilised as a advertising mechanism and at the same time they can serve as an intimate gift for a house-warming party.

In today’s episode you will learn how to do laser engraving on a glass curved surface, all around, using AM’s TruCUT Desktop laser engraving and cutting machine.

AM’s TruCUT Desktop 600×400 Laser Engraver and Cutter (80W):
o Is easy to operate.
o The production speed is higher.
o The laser from the machine does alter the material.
o The machine can be used to process different material and for different applications.
o It delivers long-lasting engravings.
o Provides high-quality cuts.
o It never compromises on the quality.

To get your hands on the laser engraver/cutting machine online log onto and key in ( Prices are subject to change.

To talk to the sales team, dial 060 600 6000 or

Visit our warehouse in Jet Park or Montague Gardens.

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laser engraving

#Laser #Engraving #Glass #Curved #Surface #Cone #Shaped #Shot #Glass #TruCUT #Desktop #600×400 #80W #Laser