Author Archives: Thunder Laser

Laser cutter Advanced Tutorial 01- how do power settings influence the cutting result

Wee back to our channel!Starting from this new episode I will share my experience of how to use laser cutter to cut various materials perfectly.For the first episode of laser cutter advanced tutorials.My first tips is,how do power settings influence the cutting result. UCOuDR90TZ24qEFFIbVmDAMw laser cutter for #Laser #cutter #Advanced #Tutorial #power #settings #influence #cutting […]

Thunder laser cutting tips:How to cut smooth acrylics

Today we’re going to talk about how to improve your cut smoothness when you’re cutting acrylic and encounter a cut that isn’t smooth. For an even weaker blowing effect, it is rmended to use it with the 6mm nozzle in the toolbox. 1. Laser tube:80W glass tube Blowing Intensity:Strong Speed: 6mm/s Power:50% 2. Laser tube:80W […]

Laser Engraver Advanced Tutorial 03—how speed affects the engraving quality,Thunder Laser

Hi this is Faker, the laser veteran.Laser time,we learned about how laser power affects the engraving quality.This time we will learn about how speed affects the engraving quality.Let’s go! Thunder Laser #Laser #Engraver #Advanced #Tutorial #03how #speed #affects #engraving #quality

Laser Engraver Advanced Tutorial 06 how focus distance affects the engraving quality,Thunder Laser

Today Paul will show you how focus distance affects the engraving quality. Thunder Laser #Laser #Engraver #Advanced #Tutorial #focus #distance #affects #engraving #quality

Thunder laser engraving tips Engraving DPI,Thunder Laser

DPI is a very important parameter for the engraving of images,. Too low a DPI can lead to a loss of detail in the picture resulting in a picture that looks a little mutilated. But at the same time, too high a DPI will also lead to more repeated engraving parts resulting in less efficient […]