How to maintain the fiber laser cutting machine?

Fiber laser cutting machine is a relatively advanced metal laser processing equipment. Many manufacturing plants will have this cutting machine. Compared with some numerical control machine tools, optical fiber cutting machines are small and easy to use. Pure computer programming requires only technicians who can use CAD to draw drawings. Laser processing will not damage equipment without tool pressure. However, the optical fiber cutting machine is also a mechanical high-precision item, which also needs regular maintenance. Only when the cutting machine is regularly repaired can the equipment be used for a longer time, which can also better save costs.
How to maintain the fiber laser cutting machine? First of all, the mechanical equipment needs to be placed in a cool and dry place, and the optical fiber cutting machine also has certain requirements for the ambient temperature. If the room is still wet, there may be dew in the machine, which will shorten the service life. Moreover, if the equipment is kept in a high temperature environment for a long time in summer, it is easy to cause the aging of electrical components, which is not conducive to the service life of the machine. It is better to buy a temperature and humidity measuring instrument in the room, so that it is more convenient to observe the temperature and humidity in the room, and regularly clean the cooling equipment of the equipment to ensure normal operation.
The optical fiber laser cutting machine also has certain sequence requirements for startup and shutdown. Before using the cutting machine, you must carefully listen to the training courses of the manufacturer’s after-sales personnel and strictly follow the correct operation procedures.